Leaf it to Cubs

Cubservation - conservation

Save It For Us - change to Leave Nothing but Footprints

Forces of Nature - Nature

Acorns to Oaks - plants

Leaf it to Cubs: Cub Scouts enjoy learning about the wonders of nature's gift to us, a tree! Learn to identify poison oak, poison ivy and various trees by their shape and leaf design. Try leaf rubbing, leaf prints, making a leaf collage, preserving leaves with wax paper or making a leaf collection from fallen leaves. Make a leaf boat and race it at a den or pack meeting. Participate in a tree planting or your local Arbor Day activities. Either adopt a tree or plant one and watch it grow. Research how trees are used to help us in our daily lives. Field trips can be to a lumberyard, nature center, forest preserve or local park. 

Litter to Glitter: Turn recycled items into treasure and learn about conservation at the same time. Using items that would normally go in the trash or recycling bin, build artistic masterpieces of your own design. It's amazing what some recycled bottles and paper can do when combined with glue and a little imagination. Have a gallery opening at your pack meeting with all your art displayed. 

Leave Nothing but Footprints: As we enjoy our outdoor world, we should strive to take nothing but pictures and leave nothing but footprints. Learn about Leave No Trace frontcountry guidelines and ways we can minimize our impact on the environment. Take a backyard hike and practice the Leave No Trace frontcountry guidelines. Have a contest to see who can take the best wildlife photograph. Enjoy nature and all it has to offer and enjoy the beauty of nature. Plan a pack outing that may include a pack family camp out, a hike, or a water party or just pack up the hotdogs and have a picnic. Teach safety precautions for whatever activity you choose. Do your Good Turn and leave these areas cleaner then you found them. Remember to record your service with Good Turn for America. 

Diggin' in the Dirt: Cub Scouts can discover what Mother Nature hides in the dirt and how the soil helps plants to grow. Have a “One Inch Hike” to learn the many things that can be found in the dirt. Learn what insects or animals make their homes in the ground. Make a window garden or terrarium and plant seeds or plants. Visit a green house or County Extension Office to see what plants can grow without soil, what it takes to grow healthy plants and how to test the soil. At the pack meeting, show items found in the ground (i.e. rocks, shells) or have a seed-eating party with edible seeds

Waterways of the USA: Rivers have been a vital part of our environment for many years. Cub Scouts can use a map to trace where their local river begins, then draw other waterways that connect to it as the water flows to the ocean. Dens can invite environmental agencies to talk about the local rivers and their resources. Scouts can also learn how early explorers used rivers, and how important rivers are in transporting people and products. Discover how rivers are used as a water irrigation source and how we harness the power of some rivers for electricity. Investigate the history, folklore or legends, songs, and types of boats that are associated with rivers.

Acorns to Oaks: Nature provides a miraculous wonder in the life cycle. This month the boys can discover how plants grow from seeds. They can build and grow a terrarium or plant a garden. Here is the opportunity to assist nature by building birdhouses, bat nurseries, or squirrel feeders. This theme also can be used to assist the leaders in helping the boys learn about their own growth and health. They can make goals using a food pyramid. This would be a good month to work on the Physical Fitness belt loop and pin. All these things will help them grow strong and healthy much like a sturdy oak tree. 

Work on advancements focusing on nature, plants, wildlife, hiking and conservation.

The volunteer committee is working on updating these resources with the most recent advancement changes, including the addition of girls and Lions. If you find any errors, suggestions for changes, improvements, or additional ideas, let us know.

Conservation Theme Ideas

Pack meeting and blue and gold banquet ideas including skits, songs, advancement ceremonies, opening/closing ceremonies and more can be found in our theme ideas:

Conservation Theme Ideas (.pdf) coming soon              .doc version coming soon

Conservation Placemats

Conservation-themed placemats can be to used as a gathering activity to help promote day camp. Print one-sided to two-sided. Before printing, insert the date, time, location and web URL of your district day camp on page 2.

Conservation Placemat coming soon

Conservation Graphics

Right-click on the graphic, click Open Image in New Tab, then right-click to save the graphic to the desktop.



For feedback on our pack meeting ideasleader resources, and program planning resources, contact darlene.scheffler@gmail.com.

